Global Trade

It has been a long year. No-one can deny that. Recent events have left us a world that is, paradoxically, both tired and re-energised. For this reason, DEBAT offers all our readers (and writers) a thank you for sticking with us through it all. While this is our fourth (and last) edition for the academic year, it is not the last you will be seeing of us. Check out our website for articles all summer long and stay tuned for next years’ print editions (they’re going to be great). This last edition has less articles than others, but the quality of those who have written has been extraordinarily high. The theme this time? Global trade, a topic which is always relevant. Finally, from everyone here at DEBAT: happy summer, happy reading, happy writing. Take care.

“Courage is not having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don’t have the strength.”


Laura Steel Pascual and Niels Bosman

DEBAT’s editors-in-chief

Image in header by ishant mishra on

Laura Steel Pascual
Laura Steel Pascual is tweedejaars student International Relations and Organisations aan de Universiteit Leiden. Ze was lid van de eindredactie van DEBAT in haar eerste jaar en is nu voorzitter van de commissie DEBAT. Ze is hierbij nog steeds eindredacteur en schrijft artikelen. Haar interesses liggen in de verschillende vormen van democratische erosie, populisme en de Europese Unie
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